“The value of INDRA grows in a surprising way from album to album. With every listening to INDRA’s music, I want to get even deeper into it. The Romanian composer charms through the harmonious approach of his powerful rhythms. INDRA has an extraordinary musical vision, but unlike others, he also has his own original talent.”

© 2008, Sylvain Lupari / Canada


Although the “roots” of his musical creation are infused by the Berlin School style, INDRA’s music succeeds in transcending it, embracing also other trends more or less related to this style, such as ambient or new-age, offering a more musical and spiritual component to his work.
Even if he appreciates a lot this style of electronic music, INDRA is also aware of its “limitations”, supporting the development of a superior and “improved” version of what represents the legacy of the Berlin School: ‘Old Berlin School style “sins” because of some “sterility” at the emotional level. The mental state of trance, reachable when listening to a few typical Berlin School style music tracks, is not necessarily obtainable through long, monotone, sometimes tiresome and often not very suggestive repeated sequences (…) Ostinato is good, but it has to be used in an optimum way. I think I succeeded in bringing this dimension of ‘making things happen’ to the Berlin School style, adding also a hint of melodic line, which has the role to connect the listener to their heart.’


Music inspired by the god’s world, live concert at 40 m inside the earth in a huge salt crystal, over 300 attending. Briefly, this is how INDRA’s concert of November 10th at the Salt Mine of Turda (close to city of Cluj) could be described.
The chosen location for the live performance is all the more special owing to the subtle vibration of the salt crystals, which not only that are high absorbents of impure energies – their purifying effect is already well known– but can also bring forth a wonderful environmental atmosphere and induce along with the sounds profound states of consciousness and specially the inner peace that is or becomes almost a physical purification.


Signs is an absolutely successful album that will win many friends. At some points INDRA could easily be somewhat more courageous or more consistent in respect to the arrangements of his pieces. There are many good ideas available. I am certain that INDRA will thrill his fans in the future as well. (Bernd Kistenmacher)

UK ‘Sequences magazine’ (#31 – 2005) about indra

INDRA’s career goes way back with percussion lessons in 1976, through playing guitar in a several bands and going on to produce his first solo electronic album Turning Away in 1993 when electronics took over his life. Since then has produced a staggering 26 album, most of them in the traditional EM side of things which have over years developed into the Berlin School sound which is dear to his heart.
INDRA quotes: ‘My aim in writing music is to capture elevated love at its most stirring and human inner harmony at its fullest’.

’24 Hours’ Magazine: about INDRA’s live concert at the National Theatre of Iasi (2000)

A personal view about the great live concert at the National Theatre of Iasi which later on was released as THE MILLENNIUM LIVE 2000 album.

’S-Magazin’ about INDRA in the early days of his EM career

Whose chords have not been struck by the sound of electronic music from modern composers like Klaus Schulze, Jean-Michele Jarre, Vangelis or Kitaro? The Romanian composer Dan Bozaru (also known as INDRA by his stage name) is one of the kind. His music is full of beauty and force but also sensibility and depth.