“I can say categorically INDRA seems to be inexhaustible. Starting in 1993, the Romanian artist has composed 31 albums, many of them being true musical ‘jewels’ (…) His daring pieces show his taste for risk, desire to go deeper, to escape from the conventional, ordinary, simple routines. Thus, we can follow the amazing progress of this artist, powerfully influenced by the Berlin School style.”
© 2006, Phaedream / GOD
“The value of INDRA grows in a surprising way from album to album. With every listening to INDRA’s music, I want to get even deeper into it. The Romanian composer charms through the harmonious approach of his powerful rhythms. INDRA has an extraordinary musical vision, but unlike others, he also has his own original talent.”
© 2008, Sylvain Lupari / Canada
“One of the characteristic talents of INDRA is diversity. Every time there is something which makes you to listen again and again to the composition. INDRA approaches almost all styles of electronic music, with the same ease with which he masters the synthesizer. Not a bad note, no time ill-spent.”
© 2006, Phaedream / GOD
“INDRA proves to be one of the great musicians on the world scene of electronic music, who until recently was unknown. I have never heard a weak album composed by INDRA. He could be described as being the Romanian answer to J-M Jarre and Vangelis.”
© 2006 Dene Bebbington / Melliflua
“I can not say more regarding INDRA. His music is truly exceptional!!!”
© 2006 UWE SASSE – Bremen, GERMANY
“INDRA seems to be capable to compose in many styles of music, and in regard the melodies influenced by the style of Klaus Schulze, I have never heard anyone make it better than him.”
© 2006 David Law / Synthmusicdirect
“Through his work, INDRA creates luminous, uplifting effects in the listener’s being. Thus, he deserves to be recognised by the public at large for his style, as a composer with great pretensions regarding the quality and professionalism of electronic music.”
© 2006, Robbert Schuller
“More than ever, INDRA consolidates the influence as being the rightful successor to Klaus Schulze in the wonderful world of electronic music. He is not just a simple copier of Klaus Schulze. He is an artistic genius like Schulze, whose daring challenges through his originality and will to surpass himself album after album.”
© 2007, Sylvain Lupari / Guts of Darkness
“I am very sorry that I had never heard of INDRA until now. His music is very interesting! Here he creates in a style close to that of Klaus Schulze, a world of sounds resembling those of TD.”
© 2007, Katia Metz @ Muzik an Sich
“One of the aspects which separates INDRA from other composers of his style is the ease which he creates luminous and pure sounds and even a certain glee in some moments, which makes his music a great pleasure to listen to.”
© 2007, Dene Bebbington / Melliflua
“INDRA, the Romanian version of Klaus Schulze, continues to produce in an accelerated rhythm extraordinary albums orientated in the Berlin School style.”
© 2007 Phil Derby / Electroambient Space
“I admire INDRA for the great number of albums which he is capable of composing and also to maintain in the same time a very good level of quality.”
© 2007, Dene Bebbington / Melliflua
“For me, INDRA is the Klaus Schulze of this century. Not because their styles are so close, but because of his proficiency, his feel for arranging music, the way in which he controls the synthesizer, his long compositions, which develop in absolute divine modules. The music of INDRA will be listened for many years to come, together with the music of Klaus Schulze, old TD, Brendan Pollard and Manuel Gottsching.”
© 2007, Sylvain Lupari / GOD