Total time: 69:47

Recorded: 2001
Distributed: 2001
Republished: 2005


This is an album which seems to have four distinct sections. To start with we have three powerful Otarion, Binar, Jarre, Klangwelt and much else besides numbers; then we get a Vangelis type track; then a Sequencer driven retro piece and finally a brace of floating ‘picture music’ outings. But lets look at things in more detail. A superb warbling cosmic intro is blasted asunder by a rapid, powerful, almost growling rhythm.

It might be ‘Just Fusion’ but quite what it is fusing I’m not sure. An ethnic sounding flute melody is in complete contrast to such blistering backing but it works so well! More drums roll and the arpeggiator is brought into play, little tinkling runs of notes going up and down the scale.

‘Andromeda’ is mean and menacing right from the off as if great power is being kept at bay. Gradually things become more syncopated as little melodies bounce in and out making it difficult for the mind to gain any real focus but captivating stuff nevertheless. More drums come in flourishes then as with the opener it’s a ball breaking roller coaster of a ride.

‘Timewarp’ again uses deep, thick, warbling cosmic sounds. Lush ethereal pads make their presence felt and a train type rhythmic loop steams forward in its wake.

‘Rue Du Soleil’ calms things down, again making use of beautiful, melodic, ethereal pads. It’s a very tranquil, heavenly track complete with gorgeous delicate and extremely Vangelis like melodies.

A sequence with high hat backing provides a rather purposeful start to ‘Rhythm of the Gods’ as we now delve into Berlin School influenced territory. Dreamy lead lines wander over the top. The sequence and rhythm become increasingly powerful then a wonderful Schulzian lead starts to bounce from sequence to sequence. This is so good! More sequences are added and the foot is put down on the accelerator still further. A tinkling crystalline melodic loop, which again reminded me of Klaus at his best, replaces the previous lead line and if anything things get even better. I wonder if the ‘God’ in question actually is supposed to be Klaus. Absolutely fantastic.

The pace is slowed and the pulse is given a chance to steady with ‘Beyond Classic’. It is all rather moody and atmospheric.

We finish with the title track, full of brooding malevolent sounds through which, for a short time, the light starts to shine, though still with a twist of melancholy. Gradually however we seem to descend into the darkness once more, in fact probably even deeper into the pit than where we started.

2006 David Law / Synth Music Direct

Ultimate Nexus starts in deep space mode with ‘Just Fusion’ though it quickly turns into a dance/techno number. Normally I’d consider that a bad thing, but this really cooks. ‘Andromeda’ is a dreamy space sequence, although majestic drums return before it’s over. After another energetic number in ‘Timewarp’, things slow down considerably with ‘Rue du Soleil’, a delicate meditative piece. ‘Rhythm of the Gods’ is as you might expect, with a fun upbeat melody to go with those rhythms. A name like ‘Beyond Classic’ begs to be made fun of, but it is very good space music, a long slow drifter. It and the title track comprise nearly 30 minutes of exciting deep space exploration.

2006 Phil Derby / Electroambient Space

Hier habe ich nochmal 3 weitere , tolle CDs von INDRA. Während die Signs noch unter der Rubrik ‘CDs’ eingeordnet ist, sind die Ultimate Nexus, The Call Of Shiva Vol. 1 und 2, hier etwas besser aufgehoben.

Die Ultimate Nexus bringt von Power Melodic bis hin zu Dark Ambiente alles , was gut ist :-)) Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen ….. wirklich klasse Musik !!!

2006 Uwe Sasse – Bremen, GERMANY