Recorded: 1998
Distributed: 1998
Republished: 2005
A Schulzian rhythm starts up. Actually almost everything about ‘Mysteries of God’, the first section of ‘Alpha & Omega’ sounds as if it could have come from one of Klaus’ more melodic tracks. A rather tuneful sequence enters in the third minute as do soft but dominant pads which take more of a lead role than just providing backing.
Strings add that little moodiness as we move into the next part ‘Dancing with Merlin’. Immediately another sequence starts up and again the only comparison that can be made is Klaus Schulze. The sequences even mutate in a similar way to his work but they do it much more often. This is steady and subtle stuff that gets under the skin. There is always something going on in the backing except when it subsides completely so that the attention can just concentrate on the sequence. Rhythm tends to come in flourishes rather than being a constant feature and is much more effective because of that. The flutey synth lead line could have come straight from ‘Drive Inn’ (one of the best features of an otherwise mixed album).
Things become quite tranquil as we enter the short third part ‘Sea of the Elves’ then on a crash of thunder we move to the final part ‘The Great Celebration’. Rhythm builds again and a new sequence makes an entrance but the main features are the lovely subtle melodies. The interplay between them and the gentle beats is exquisite.
The second track ‘Holy Mountain’ also makes use of subtle rhythm and other percussion. Initially it just adds gentle detail over atmospheric effects. After a couple of minutes however a bass sequence and strident melodic motif begin to provide the main focus These then momentarily subside and we get a faintly Eastern melody which hangs beautifully in the air, echoing into the distant horizon. Another sequence makes an entrance, this time a more melodic high register one. Gradually the pace picks up and things become increasingly rhythmic then more melodic.
The highly atmospheric title track is saved for last. To start off with it is as if we are on some strange planet complete with the sound of alien creatures. Things then gradually become more serene with soft pads dominating, getting sleepier and sleepier until the end. It is a real contrast to the rest of the album. Ideal for chilling out to with the lights off at the end of a long hard day.
2006 David Law / Synth Music Direct
Straight from Roumania, here is INDRA. An independant artist wich wrote and produced his music on an independent way within the label Perfect Music.
While visiting his website at: we remark that he has nearly 30 albums to his credit. One of is work is now available to a larger audience: Echo in Time. Press notes where mentioning Klaus Schulze music and the Berlin School EM style about INDRA’s influences. Since INDRA is being known, lot of his works is now available. A vast cd titles appear and some of them are rhythmic with great sequences, other are ambient. Spacy moods without sequences shakes, like long whispers without the blowing. So you have to be instruct about his music, and the versatile styles you can found on each cd. By contacting his website, his manager will guide you in your musical taste.
Echo in Time is a great Berlin School opening. ‘Alpha & Omega’ is a long musical piece, splits in four parts. It starts the ball with a light rhythm on fine tabla percussion and a good bass line. Synth is silky and draws up its more beautiful flutes assets. The percussion are divine, a bit in a Klaus Schulze mood. Behind this leading sequence another melody takes shape. Subtle, it dances and intermingles with the main line on beautiful and a languorous synth. The tempo is soft and breaks on corals of percussion. A great musical moment. The sequence changes radically and becomes more rhythmic when ‘Dancing with Merlin’ connects. Synth use a fluty mood on a very harmonious moves.
Another Schulze look alike sequence with the art of drumming from the German master. A pure delight. The third part, ‘Sea of Elves’, is quieter. Asynchronous, the percussion are disordered and accompany a lost flute. This short atmospheric interruption dies in a symphonic thunder announcing the first lines of the last part of ‘Alpha & Omega’ in ‘The Great Celebration’. The initial melody returns, but other subtle lines are added, forming a great violins string. The effect is perfect. A brilliant title.
With ‘Holy Mountain’, we embrace the ambient side of Echo in Time. Lost in time, the percussion smack looking for a beat to calm their anger. Environment becomes more austere when serious choruses are heard, with a Tibetans essence. The tempo moves a bit, becoming more into life, but it’s for a short moment. Around the 6th minute a low sequence throws a light rhythm which leaves its prints and seems to want to stick. These keys dance on this line and gradually the title takes life. Quietly, ‘Holy Mountain’ takes form on a sequential line loop. A cosmic bolero which sticks to its ambient and which combines harmony with the disorder of the percussion and sound effects. A good title which requires some listenings.
The odds noises, the atmospheres, and the static effects make the mood of the soporific ‘Echo in Time’, the main title. Very ambient synth pads have symphonic savors that stick to this glassy atmosphere. The harmonies that comes from this blend are warm, but they are captive of that stagnant world. A musical world that aims the static mood beyond any other way. A very atmospheric title that will please fans of ambient with small rhythmic moods.
I liked this first INDRA cd that crossed the borders. The music is Berlin School mood with harmonious pads and polyrhythmic sequential flights. ‘Alpha Omega’ belongs to its hidden treasures that we like to discover. A title that will please the EM die hard fans. Among all INDRA is a pleasant discovery, and Echo in Time is the best mirror to look inside Indra’s music.
(original version)
Avec ‘Holy Mountain’, nous embrassons le côté ambiant de Echo in Time. Égarées dans le temps, des percussions claquent à la recherche d’un beat à se mettre sous les baguettes. L’ambiance devient plus austère lorsque l’on entend des chœurs graves, aux essences Tibétaines. Le rythme s’anime un peu sur une ligne basse, mais il demeure statique, même si des nappes synthétiques et des percussions tentent de l’animer. Vers la 6ième minute une séquence basse jette un léger rythme qui laisse ses empreintes et semblent vouloir coller. Les notes dansent sur cette ligne et graduellement le titre prend vie. Tranquillement ‘Holy Mountain’ prend forme sur une ligne séquentielle en boucle. Un boléro cosmique qui colle à son ambiant et qui allie harmonie au désordre des percussions et effets sonores. Un bon titre qui demande quelques écoutes. Les atmosphères, les bruits hétéroclites et les effets statiques composent l’essence du très soporifique
‘Echo in Time’, la pièce titre. Très ambiantes les nappes de synthés aux saveurs symphoniques collent à cette atmosphère de verre. Les harmonies qui en dégagent sont chaudes, mais elles sont prisonnières d’un monde stagnant. Un monde qui refuse de plier, sous le poids de ses arches sonores, et qui languit dans un bain. Un titre très ambiant qui plaira aux amateurs du genre, car les sonorités attirent.
J’ai bien aimé ce premier rendez-vous avec INDRA. La musique est Berlin School avec tout le côté harmonieux et envolées séquentielles polyrythmiques. ‘Alpha & Omega’ fait partie de ses trésors cachés que l’on aime découvrir. Un titre qui plaira hautement aux purs et durs. Une agréable découverte.
2006 Sylvain Lupari / GOD