The third album in the ARCHIVES series is Ruby three, which contains nine tracks. It is the only title in the series that does not follow the chronological order of the recorded melodies: the first two tracks were composed in 1999, and the following ones are from 1998. The reverse order was done due to musical considerations; Indra felt that the melodies from 1999 were more suited to the beginning, due to the characteristics of their style, even if this meant a break from the chronological order. It is the only case of such a decision in the whole series of 25 albums.

In Ruby three, like in the first two albums, we have a richness of musical themes which are orchestrated in different styles, including classical. They represent the inspirations or experiences of some genuine moments and even if some of the melodies are not polished or pass the test of time from perspective of their quality, however, they clearly indicate the specific energy of the artist in those times, his feelings and emotions.