Eagle Music is seriously about working hard for INDRA. I looked a few years back on his album list and found that 1995 is appealing. Oldies but goldies, I said to myself.

For it was a good year for INDRA, too: the first ever large scale EM live performance in Romania took place on 21st December at Fantasio Hall in Constanta and now, almost eleven years on, it’s time to re-live that unique moment: Flux – A Winter Solstice, on CD! Even though the original tapes were professionally recorded at the event, over the years sound quality faded away to a certain degree, thus making INDRA hesitate to consider its shelf worthiness.

Still, I considered the material to be of great value for EM music fans and acted accordingly. I should recommend you allow a special listening session for this one. The other title on the re-edit list is Maharaj and this was the real case for INDRA hesitated to agree with publishing the material (it seems there were some problems with the analogic recording). (Armand)