Yes, INDRA has announced it! He is going to perform live music inside the pyramid! Possibly for the very first time, on 16 July 2008 up to 700 Berlin School music style fans have the unique chance to get mystical inside a 65ft. (30m) high pyramid built entirely of wood in Boesdal-Stevns. That is Denmark, just south of Copenhagen.
Starting at 8pm, the event lasts for 2 hours and includes original Berlin School compositions specially arranged for this event. Given the special location just yards from the sea and the added experience of live electronic music inside a pyramid shaped construction, this one shouldn’t be missed. Everyone is welcome! Tickets are 110 Danish krone (15 euro) available soon at or 150 Danish krone (20 euro) at the venue, Boesdal Kalkbrud – Boesdalsvej / 4673 Rodvig, Stevns. Additional info: 0045-2462 0681 /